
Concrete hemispheres in a metropolis

Modern megacities have problems with transport, which are available a huge number of traffic jams in road sections and constantly incidents.

The city authorities, of course, strive if not radically eradicated problems, then at least improve statistics. After all, it is scary now to turn on the TV, as the report on the accident with human victims is expected again. If you buy concrete hemispheres, this will be one of the effective ways to change the situation for the better.

What is the role of these anti -park elements? In fact, they can be seen so often on the street that people do not even think about this issue. And the task set before the hemispherical anti -parcel is the separation of two territories – pedestrian and automobile. At the same time, people can safely move in such places:

near educational institutions (school, technical school, etc. P.),

Different administrative buildings,

Near the clinic, hospitals,

at the store or supermarket.

After all, the fence of this territory will not be afraid that there is a risk of injuries by a car or other vehicle. And non -compliance with modern drivers of these norms increases the chances repeatedly, so you can not do without fences. And the parking of the car in green areas becomes also impossible, because the concrete hemispheres do not allow to do this. Otherwise, drivers would have made this administrative offense all the time.

But for the safe movement of people along the city street, it makes sense to order lying policemen still. After all, these striped guards are guaranteed to force a passenger car or other vehicle to reduce the speed of their movement, which is less risky for pedestrians. The importance and significance of a lying policeman under poor weather conditions is especially growing, when visibility is significantly deteriorated. After all, then you can not notice a person who is a few meters from the car. And he has a risk of serious injury or even death.

It is worth emphasizing that the main selection criteria for the hemispherical element will be only 2 – this is its height and diameter. It is these characteristics that are most important for performing functional properties, and it is they that reflect in the specifications and price lists, that is, when buying, they are most significant.