The science

What jewelry is now in fashion

As you know, the exquisite image of every woman constitute not only the basic items of the wardrobe, but also jewelry. Beads, earrings, pendants, chains, bracelets, pendants, necklaces are mandatory attributes of all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, and especially fashionistas.

Women simply do not imagine their image without beautiful jewelry and jewelry. And in order to always be in trend, it is necessary to monitor events in the fashion world, and not just fashion, but that one that concerns jewelry. Otherwise, how do you find out that now jewelry with sapphires is in fashion for which the price is suitable for everyone, or that it is better to choose no golden rings, but silver or platinum?

We list the most fashionable jewelry of the current season.

Large jewelry of precious metals and stones at the peak of their popularity. Designers say that jewelry of this winter must be large, massive and noticeable. In many collections of famous designers, expensive jewelry prevails, which successfully replaces jewelry, but still not so much as to completely abandon jewelry.

For hairstyles this season, gorgeous, original and not very cheap jewelry are designed. Now Latin American and Eastern motifs are in fashion. Girls with great pleasure wear hoops, hairpins, rims, dressings decorated with flowers from rhinestones, feathers, fabric, tapes and other materials. Hair jewelry made of precious metals and decorated with precious and semiprecious stones is especially appreciated. Yes, such jewelry is relatively expensive, and not every woman will be able to buy them.

Modern designers this season also distinguish chic necklaces of metal and stones, of course, precious. Puppies, pendants and medallions on thin colorful ribbons are also relevant, but only if they are correctly combined with the image and clothes of the owner.

Long earrings and earrings suspension with diamonds of prices for which are suitable for everyone, are also considered the trend of this season. They can be very diverse – they can have hanging fringe, sticking feathers, rhinestones, gold threads, which makes them incredibly interesting and unique.

The fashion girl of the current season must wear bracelets. Massive models with large precious and semiprecious stones – this is the hit of the winter season. At the same time, bracelets may well be both ordinary and bright and bizarre, it all depends on the chosen style of clothing and the presence of other jewelry. Everything should correspond to each other as much as possible.