
Car seres for children. Child safety in the hands of parents.

First of all, it is always worth remembering that the children’s car seat CLEK is not a luxury, not a new trend in fashion, not a whim of a state traffic inspectorate, but a necessary security measure, which is able to maintain the life of the most precious passenger in a car – a child. Safety belts that are available in cars are suitable for protecting an adult, but do not hold children at all – this is proven through a series of experiments.

Currently, the modern market for children’s holding devices, like children’s chairs, represents a very large assortment of a wide variety of products. Very often, among all this variety, it is very difficult to navigate. First of all, it is very important to remember that you should never purchase a used car seat from your hands for a child. The fact is that with prolonged use, the product can acquire flaws invisible at first glance, which, nevertheless, significantly reduce its quality, reliability and comfort for the child.

Next, you need to decide on the brand of the model. You need to choose only trusted well -known manufacturers. For example, you can recommend products from Germany, which usually have very high quality. A sign of strength is a frame of a product made of metal.

After that, you need to choose a structure that is most suitable in size for your child. Often parents take into account the age of a small passenger. However, this is not entirely right. This is due to the fact that car seats are made taking into account the middle weight of the child, which not all children are in a clear relationship with age.

The standard separation of car seats by the age and weight of the child is as follows:

0. The so -called “lying” models for children up to 1 year and weighing up to 10 kg.

0+1. Products for children are 1.5 years old and weighing up to 13 kg. Most often, manufacturers combine this group with the previous group.

1. For children aged 1 to 4 years or weighing 9 to 18 kg.

2. For age 3 – 7 years or weight from 15 to 25 kg.

3. The largest children’s car seats for primary school age (6-10 years) or weight 22-36 kg.

As can be seen from the above list, the data of the group of children’s holding devices are not distinguished clearly by each other, but intersect. This makes it possible to choose exactly the model that you currently need, taking into account the further growth of the child. A child can do without car seats, starting from the age of 12, it is normal before that if you change three models of car seats. There are also a number of universal chairs that are designed for wide limits of growth and weight. Experts do not recommend acquiring such models, since, being very convenient, they are at the same time significantly inferior to standard products in terms of reliability and degree of protection of the child. In general, the quality of the structure is what very close attention should be paid. It is very important that the model is appropriately marked and carries a quality mark ECE R44/03 Universal. This will indicate that the reliability of the design is proved by experimentally.

The frame of the chair is the subject of constant discussions of experts. Many say that the metal base is much more durable than the plastic. At the same time, metal structures push the baby very close to the front seat, exposing him to additional risk. This characteristic of the chair should be discussed with consultant sellers for each model separately.