
Determining the floor of a conceived child

Many couples want to know who they will have. The most reliable way in this case is an ultrasound study, but an ultrasound scan can only help at a long gestation, more accurate results can be achieved at the 20th week of pregnancy. However, there are several alternative options that help to determine the floor of the conceived child. Of course, they do not act entirely reliable, but they can compete well with the results of the ultrasound. Many couples want to know who they will have. The most reliable way in this case is an ultrasound study, but an ultrasound scan can only help at a long gestation, more accurate results can be achieved at the 20th week of pregnancy. However, there are several alternative options that help to determine the floor of the conceived child. Of course, they do not act entirely reliable, but they can compete well with the results of the ultrasound.

So, methods for determining the sex of the unborn child include the method of determining by “renewal of blood”. As you know, the blood of men is updated every 4 years, and in girls – every 3 years. If the dad is “newer”, then the likelihood of the appearance of the boy is great, if the mother is in the girl. It is important to consider the dates of blood loss as a result of transfusion, operations and other actions.

You can determine the gender of the child and by the term of ovulation. American scientists proved the fact that the day of ovulation, which coincides with the day of sexual intimacy, suggests that, most likely, a boy will be born. The probability of the appearance of a girl increases a few days before and after the ovulation process. To determine the day of ovulation, you should measure the basal temperature.

As scientists note, the gender of the child can be planned using a specially developed diet. According to these studies, the probability of the birth of a child with the preferred sex increases by 75%. So, if you want to give birth to a boy, you need to consume products with potassium and sodium and exclude magnesium and calcium. If you want to conceive a girl, consume a large number of products with calcium and magnesium. Surely you will have a boy if you abandon dairy products, flour products and confectionery products based on milk.