
The diet of a child from 0 to 12 months

His well -being depends on whether the child will eat up to one year. The foundation of his future health is laid.

Food from 0 to 6 months

WHO, UNESCO and the European Association of Pediatricians – everyone recommends feeding a newborn baby only breast milk. In emergency cases, it can be replaced with milk mixtures, but you need to make sure that they contain all the nutrients necessary for the child.

The better breastfeeding? For children:

less stomach disorders;

stronger immunity, better protection against infections;

few allergic reactions;

Very rarely cases of sudden death.

If you enter food or liquid up to 4 months in a child, then there will be less benefit than harm.

You can enter additional food into the diet of a child of 4-6 months only in cases when:

The weight of the child does not increase;

When breastfeeding, the baby remains hungry;

From birth, the child eats artificially.

Power after 6 months

The child needs more iron, he needs to increase energy, as it becomes more mobile. Introduce solid foods rich in iron. At first it is good to give rice flour that does not cause allergies diluted with mother’s milk. Later they give vegetable soup from potatoes, carrots, tomato, radish, with the addition of a spoonful of olive oil and lemon drops. Gradually introduce fruits – pears, ripe bananas and apples.

Power of the child 7-8 months

Enter more water. Give chicken breast in a wiped form, at first 50 grams. Add beets, radishes, spinach, turnips and beans to vegetable soup. From 8 months, introduce sour fruits and orange juice. Add various meat while rubbed.

Power in 9-10 months

We give fruits with grains. We introduce finely cut food. We teach to chew with a crust of bread.

Power in 11-12 months

Only now the fish appears in the diet. First, it is given like fish soup with vegetables. You can give an egg, boiled 6-8 minutes. First we give the yolk and only after 15-20 days protein. We knead the egg with a fork.

Do not forget the main principle by which we introduce individual products into food. First we give less, then increase to normal. After the introduction of the new products, we do not introduce anything new for several days, we monitor the condition of the child, we identify the presence of allergy reactions of the body to a new product. Then we enter the next new product.