
Basic requirements for the candidate dissertation

Protection of the candidate dissertation is a very important step in the life of each employee. The presence of a scientific degree is a huge plus when applying for a job and an increase in wages. To that, it allows you to not only self -realize and assertes, but also achieve respect from others.

Dissertation is a research work. She is being prepared by the author in order to protect her in front of the public at the dissertation council. In case of successful protection, the author is awarded the degree of candidate of science.

The preparation of a candidate dissertation is undoubtedly a creative process that can enrich a person not only financially, but also spiritually, if you do not decide to order a dissertation from specialists.

Serious requirements are also put forward to such serious work. They can be divided into several points, depending on the direction of these requirements.

Firstly, the requirements for the design. Typically, the work is provided in print on a white sheet A4 in book orientation. Schemes and drawings are allowed to prepare in A3 format. The text should be typed in Microsoft Word with Times New Roman and font size 12-14. Headlines must be leveled in the center, the rest of the text is in the width of the fields. At the beginning of the paragraph, you need to retreat 1 cm. The indentation from the upper and lower fields is 2 cm, the right – 1.5 cm, and the left – 3 cm.

Secondly, the requirements for the content. The work should have scientific results and theses. They must be reliable, reasonable and logical. The chapters of the work should not contradict one another.

Thirdly, the requirements for the volume. There are no strict rules here, but usually the volume of the dissertation takes 120-150 pages. All chapters should be approximately the same size.

Fourthly, the requirements for the language of work. As a rule, candidate dissertation is written in the state language. If you want to present your work in a different style, then you will certainly have to motivate your wish and ask for permission in the dissertation council.

Fifth, requirements for publications in scientific publications. To write a candidate dissertation, you first need to be published in scientific journals and publications. Such publications also include patents for inventions.

Sixth, requirements for links. When preparing a dissertation, the author must certainly give links to the source of the borrowed material, otherwise the author can be announced in plagiarism and remove his work from consideration.

If you have a desire to achieve success in your professional sphere and become a successful person, be sure to take a dissertation, if you decide to order such a job, then the price of a candidate dissertation cannot be very cheap – this is a painstaking work. Such a solution will help you to develop yourself to achieve significant successes.