
Features of the implementation of the warm floor for tiles

There are many different flooring options. All of them have their advantages and are best suited for certain conditions.

So, the floor of the tile is able to withstand the effects of high humidity for a long time, so this floor is well suited for the bathroom, or kitchen room. But the tile has a significant minus – unlike wood, this material colds the legs. So that this does not interfere, it is best to make a heated floor, the elements of which will be located under the tile.

Types of warm floor

Depending on the type of heating element, all heated floors are divided into:



Working on the basis of a special film;

All types of sex are made according to similar technology, although there are fundamental differences.

Features of laying electric floors

In order to install an electric floor, first of all, it is worth developing a diagram according to which all heating elements will be located. They should not be under furniture. After that, the floor surface is cleaned and leveled. The next step is the installation of a warm floor for tiles – laying thermal insulation, after which a screed of cement is installed. Heating elements are already placed on it, they are checked, and the tile is laid in the last step. It is very important to check the performance of the system before installing tiles, as errors can be made, and if they are not noticed in time, then correcting them will be much more difficult.

Water floor

Floor heated with water is laid either on a concrete base or on a wooden. The first type of styling is similar in technology for laying an electric floor, only in the role of heating elements are pipes with water. The second is more expensive, but the most convenient. Heating pipes are located in different ways, it depends on the size of the room, as well as its characteristics.

Features of installation of warm floors from the film

For this method, it is necessary to use a special film and a number of other devices. At the beginning of the work, the floor also needs to be prepared – clean, if necessary, leve. After that, foil is placed on a prepared basis, on it – film. The film is connected by copper contacts a heat regulator for a warm floor. When the entire elements of the system are mounted and their performance is checked, you can proceed to the installation of tiles. The floor heated by the film is very convenient, it does not require much energy and coolant.