Starting the morning with breakfast is a good tradition. Delicious balanced food fills the body with benefits and sets the right mood for the whole upcoming day.
The ideal morning meal should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, a too fatty, sweet or dense breakfast can cause the opposite reaction – instead of a boost of energy, we get a heaviness in the stomach, a bad mood and a feeling of fatigue. It is important not to overeat in the morning, leave some food for a snack a couple of hours later. And, no matter how difficult it is in a constant rush, still try to balance your diet.
Oatmeal is considered a traditional healthy breakfast. However, not everyone knows that you should not use a quick-cooking product from bags, but oatmeal, which must be boiled. It is often recommended to cook it in water, but for a balanced hearty breakfast, the option with milk and a small piece of butter is also suitable.
Oatmeal, despite its low calorie content, contains healthy protein and fiber. In addition, the product contains vital minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium) and B vitamins. To ensure that oatmeal brings maximum benefit, it must be prepared in a special way – with honey instead of sugar and dried berries, which will further enrich the finished dish with nutrients and vitamins.