
Household chemicals – our friend or enemy?

The presence of household chemicals in our life has become an integral part, because when cleaning the apartment and washing dishes we use detergents, and to remove unpleasant odors – air fresheners. But once, our mothers and grandmothers for household needs used mustard or drinking soda, which does not contain toxins and chemicals. But, since, we can’t do without household chemicals today, we must know how to minimize the presence of chemicals when buying detergents is obliged.

If there is such a huge advertising flow from both the TV screens and on store shelves, choosing more or less environmentally friendly for our health, household chemicals, of course, is difficult. It is necessary, when purchasing such products, first of all, to pay attention to the manufacturer, which has already managed to positively prove itself among consumers, and preferably, not the first year. At the same time, it should be understood that cheap household chemicals wholesale are not always worse than unjustifiably expensive analogues. The composition is usually always the same, and you have to overpay for a well -known brand.

The presence of a quality certificate is also an important criterion, and most importantly, substances should not be present in detergents that can harm your health, namely, chlorine, various kinds.

I would like to separately be allocated from all existing household chemicals – dishwashing products. Ideally, it is better, of course, to abandon its use completely! Indeed, the substances that are contained in these means are not very dangerous in themselves, but, unfortunately, are very difficult to wash off from the dishes, and as a result, they constantly come to our body from “pure plates”.

Given all this, we can, if we do not refuse the use of household chemicals in our lives, then, at least to reduce to the very minimum, the ingestion of chemicals into our body.