
How not to fall into depression at home

The child is growing up, the amount of homework does not decrease, family members are accustomed to your presence in the house around the clock, everything you will do is regarded for granted. Common situation? Let’s try to change it.

What is the problem

While on parental leave, a woman gets tired not only physically, but also morally. Her work remains unnoticed and unified despite the fact that the woman is at working age, and her labor potential is not spent. Monotonous, unpaid and at the same time boring work demoralizes anyone.

Where to begin?

On the advice of psychologists – to change the attitude to the current situation. One of the main results of self -realization for the mother is the achievement of the baby. So he took a few steps, he was able to put on a sock himself, learned to speak new words – this is all the merit of his mother, who repeats the same actions and words daily. Even if not everyone around you think about it and do not fully realize. A woman should clearly formulate and mentally write into the diary of her achievements every such victory of the baby.

Start surprising the family. For example, every two weeks to bake home cakes and arrange a small holiday. With all the wealth of the choice of confectionery in the store, only homemade pastries remain in memory and is associated with a house, childhood and warmth.

Remind yourself and surprise colleagues and acquaintances. Similar holidays should be held for them. The frequency of such gatherings can be less often-once every 1-2 months, but a new dish must be present. So you can remind yourself and use the reason to gain new knowledge and skills in cooking.

Make simple jewelry for my daughter. Beads and bracelets from children’s beads, hair hoop with a beautiful bow or flower, summer skirt – they will bring moral satisfaction, awarded an additional portion of warmth and love of the child, as well as save money from the family budget. The boy’s clothes can also be updated with applique, stripes and stripes.

Do not buy developmental toys, but make them yourself. The child quickly loses interest in toys, besides, the most interesting toys are very easy to perform. Cardboard, color pictures, glue and scissors – necessary for work – bring their mother and baby closer and bring money to the house.

Collect a composition of artificial colors or make another interior detail that will be in a prominent place and be the subject of pride.

What to not forget about?

Do not forget about love! Love for yourself! Truly loved by love, the woman will feel that she is loved by others. And this gives strength and destroys depression. This process is not unable. It is necessary to start with the permission of daily “little joys” and the obligatory “read” the diary of their achievements. Continue with contemplation of yourself in the mirror and by finding virtues.


Thus, being on maternity leave, a woman not only fulfills daily duties, but develops, improves her skills. It should be noted that these skills can also bring income, and most importantly – self -satisfaction and recognition of others.

Source: Culinary recipes “Mistress online”