
Organization of a wedding celebration in a restaurant

When organizing a wedding in a restaurant, it is necessary to take into account many nuances. It is necessary to think over everything to the smallest details so that the guests remember everything in the best possible way – you should try well.

Today, customs and traditions remained in the past. Currently, it has become popular to order a banquet in a restaurant. A big plus is that you do not need to cook, and then wash and clean everything. Therefore, this service began to be very popular. To date, the choice of restaurants for banquets is quite large and therefore, finding a suitable room for your needs will not be difficult. You can order a banquet in a restaurant in St. Petersburg or in any other city using the Internet. So, for example, on, you can familiarize yourself with the offered halls, kitchen and other no less important trifles.

The number of guests invited in the banquet hall can be placed from 25 to 120 seats. Before choosing a restaurant, you can see everything in advance, discuss the arrangement of tables, the design of the banquet hall. You can choose a program in a restaurant.

The most important point when organizing a wedding is a competent menu. You need to determine what dishes will be at the wedding, and in what quantity to cook. You can consult with the cook. Since he prepared dishes for many weddings and knows how much to cook.

There must be several types on the wedding table: hot and cold snacks, salads. When calculating, it must be taken into account that each adult is preparing about two kilograms of food. Mandatory decoration of the wedding table is a cake, sweets and fruits. Baked whole catfish or pig will look rich. Think about the number of alcohol drinks. Do not forget about soft drinks that serve between breaks, during which guests take part in competitions and dance.

All troubles can be avoided if you order a turnkey wedding banquet. Special staff will arrange a hall and a banquet, make a menu, select contests and music. They will do everything in the best possible way. Everything is included here.

Let nothing spoil your day, and most importantly, that the family has happiness!